Tag: funding

Tech That Turns Co2 Into Animal Feed Gets Government Funding

<p><img decoding="async" class='wp-post-image' style='float:left;margin-right:10px;' src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zsOq-Ew59ZU/hqdefault.jpg" width="526px" alt="tech"/></p> <p>Some critics see these ideologies as examples of scientism and techno-utopianism and concern the notion of human enhancement and technological singularity which they help. Optimistic assumptions are made by proponents of ideologies similar to transhumanism and singularitarianism, which view technological growth as usually...

Tech That Turns Co2 Into Animal Feed Gets Government Funding

<p><img decoding="async" class='wp-post-image' style='float:left;margin-right:10px;' src="https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/staticcontent/images/img2974_Hero_LegalTech2019.jpg" width="534px" alt="tech"/></p> <h2>Black (Digital) Lives Matter</h2> <p>“We wished to show the way it must be accomplished without it getting violent and ship a message at the identical time. The further $600 in weekly federal unemployment benefits expires at the end of July. With or and not...