Category: science and technology

Journal Of Imaging Science And Technology

<p>The position of science and know-how from the house analysis to the identification and exploration of the mineral sources is extremely commendable. In response to the problem of increasing the region’s scientific and technological capacities, the Group, via the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT), contributes to the...

Ethics Of Science And Know-how

<p>Science and technology are forms of information utilized for different purposes inside society. The ISRO, which has its head quarters in Bangalore, gives rockets and laboratory facilities to scientists belonging to different organizations in India for conducting approved area science experiments. The developments of each science and know-how have...

Journal Of The Affiliation For Data Science And Know-how

<p>Technology summer time camps create a studying setting to decipher the intricacies of Science and Math. In the earlier occasions, the use of instruments by human beings was for the process of discovery and evolution. You may have a look at Nanotechnology as a complete, examine the results throughout...


<p style="text-align: justify;">Some twenty-one years ago, a computer beat then Grandmaster and world champion Gary Kasparov as he was engaged in a game of chess against a supposed ‘lower player’. While this may have been a one-off situation back then, a lot has happened over time to suggest there...

Fashionable Science And Technology And The Challenges Of Third World Nations

<p>If we glance life a hundred years in the past, and evaluate that with the today’s life, we will discover that Science has dramatically modified human life. In the first year, the students study topics which give good primary data and put together for work with trendy technologies and...